Valerie A. Taylor

Founder, Member, TRP

"We continue to favour the Robin Hood method, taking from the wealthy to give to the poor and it is for his wonderfully generous help that we thank all our donors. "

Accidents and illnesses resulting in disability are part of life in all countries of the world.    In Bangladesh these incidents are further complicated by poverty.     CRP’s aim is to reduce accidents in general and for those who have succumbed, provide the best standard of treatment and rehabilitation possible at the same time giving this support at a subsidized rate for those who cannot contribute to their costs.   It is for the provision of this financial support that we rely on our partners who donate so generously from countries around the world.   Donations are received from the Government of Bangladesh and funding agencies as well as individuals and are raised in various ways from the proceeds of flea markets and the sale of CRP calendars to contributions made at Bangladeshi restaurants and by sponsored marathon runners.   Financial support is the back-bone of CRP’s work enabling those staff members on the ground to work for the poorest persons with disabilities.    We continue to favour the Robin Hood method, taking from the wealthy to give to the poor and it is for this wonderfully generous help that we thank all our donors.

The aim of this report is to share with our readers something of the work attempted in all our centres across the country.    We hope you will find it encouraging.     Our desire is to give the best possible care to everyone in a holistic way, providing physical, emotional, social re- integration and economic support.   May we as service providers walk alongside our service users and donors to realize this desire during our next reporting year.       



Valerie A. Taylor 

Founder & Coordinator

Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed(CRP).